I'm a ridiculous but a human be...

Why I keep feeding this feeling about you? Everything hurts me or make me happy and feel loved and again hurts me.

I have two thinks when you do something on internet: ask myself if is it for me or I feel jealous when you share things you share with me first and after that I see you sharing with others. I'ts crazy! (lol)

I know i'm in love, it's obvious! I'ts stupid.

I know we can't be only friends but I keep going with you like one... Jesus I'm so coward 'cause I don't confess what a feel. I'M DYING!

I should write more about you, I have so many feelings to manage! I just need a silence room and my notebook and a cup of coffee, and silence...

*A few moments later...

The fact is I'm an idiot! Why I insist? You give me all the answers in everything, each detail between us, and the answer is a big NO!

Okay, I understand now!

By the way I tried to not write about you, but I failed, you can see it! What a shame!!

I feel so small right now... I lose my time, my hope and expectations. Whatever...

God, please take it off this feeling from my heart!!! 

I'm tired.

I forgive myself.

The End.

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