This is me writing!

I write reasonably well, ok I can transfer to a paper what I am feeling after a week thinking about and editing, but I easily become pathetic and namby-pamby and this is so sad!! So I have to read all the text through the days, again and again, and this exercise is annoying, anyway I take a deep breath, scream and finish the torture. But I love it!

It'so easy to feel stupid when I put my vulnerabilities out to the world when are these super articulated people with smart brains that express themselves in a brilliant way, I always feel small. I try everyday say to myself that I have something good to spread and what I write worth it. 

My ideas is like a swarm of bees all the time, I am always imagining stories on my mind, sometimes It makes me saturated, I decide to give up, I cry, but you know write is everything to me, I don't know what I supposed to do besides this.

I never wrote again, maybe because of this crazy world and people that don't have any bit of empathy. However I will make a schedule to finally finish my first story, that for now It will be a story, because about the novel I don't have any clue! 

I want to write a good love story, with warm feelings and easy laughs, that is beautiful in a simple way. While reading my book make the person feel at home. I am asking for too much but I believe one day I will got it.

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